Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “live media”
January 19, 2013
KDE Platform, Workspaces, Applications 4.10 RC3: openSUSE packages available
Following up on the announcement from KDE, the openSUSE KDE team is happy to announce the availability of 4.10 RC3 packages. Remember that they are packages meant for testing and reporting bugs, so that the next release will be as polished as possible.
You will find the packages in the KDE:Distro:Factory repository. An updated live media based on the upcoming openSUSE 12.3 ([see previous post]({{ site.url }}/2013/01/test-the-upcoming-opensuse-12-3-and-kde-workspace-applications-and-platform-4-10-rc2)) is also available (files named KDE4-4.
January 10, 2013
KDE Workspaces and Applications 4.10 on live images courtesy of openSUSE
The 4.10 release for the KDE Development Platform, Workspaces and Applications is drawing nigh… as you may have read, there is now an additional release candidate in order to test some last-minute changes.
Of course, the KDE developers can only do so much: it’s impossible to test all possible combinations. That is, unless the community at large helps by finding and reporting issues the developers can fix. But doing so requires a 4.