Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “games”
February 6, 2010
Ar Tonelico III

It’s been a while since I blogged about anything non-FOSS. This time I’ll be sharing some impressions on one of the games I’m playing at the moment, that is,** Ar Tonelico III** (which arrived at my doorstep two days ago). I admit I haven’t been a fan of Gust games (aside from Ar Tonelico, they’re known mostly for the Atelier series), mostly because technically wise they didn’t really perform that well.
November 25, 2007
The title clearly shows what I think about the aforementioned company. The reason surfaced a few days ago, when I tried to see if they would ship Wings of the Goddess to Italy. I had ordered from them a few times before, and although their customer service left a lot to be desired, I couldn’t complain much.
Two days ago I found that they will no longer ship anything to Italy.